The most powerful work you can do is your own; with your intention, energy and focus going into it, you will be able to manifest the outcome you desire. Spell jar kits are a great way to make a contained spell that you can continue to work and energise to feed the working. This kit is for Uncrossing work, it contains everything you need to put it together and begin working it to help cleanse your energy and uncross yourself.
Banishing is a form of magic that helps to help move out of your life those things that no longer serve and is used to banish things, people or situations in your life that are causing you grief. When situations, people and things drain our energy, make us feel run down, sad or as if we are constantly on edge from negative energies, banishing can help get it moving along and out of your life.
Petition paper
2ml oil
Herbs: Black Pepper, Devil’s Claw Root, Nettle Root
2 x chime candles
Banishing Rice
Anvil Dust
Smokey Quartz chips
Black Obsidian chips
Information sheet