Better Business oil has been created to help bring your business success in whichever form you need that to happen. It will help attract customers, keep those customers coming back, enhance your profits, help your business build a great reputation and quietly discourage customers that will be problematic. You could use this to anoint business cards, your cash register, your home office if you work from home – basically anything to do with your business can be anointed in order to draw success and profitability. It’s also an oil you could use in conjunction with ‘Money Come to Me’ or ‘Crown of Success’ to maximise your results.
My oils are crafted by empowering each ingredient as it is placed in the oil then the entire finished product is consecrated through words and then placed on my altar for several days. As they are bottled, I add botanicals and essential oils to further infuse and power the oil - a reflection of my practice as both witch and rootworker.
Before using on yourself please do a patch test to make sure you are not allergic to any of the herbs or oils in the finished product.
Not for internal use.
The oil will come with an information sheet on how to use intention/conjure oils.
Better Business oil has been created to help bring your business success in whichever form you need that to happen. It will help attract customers, keep those customers coming back, enhance your profits, help your business build a great reputation and quietly discourage customers that will be problematic. You could use this to anoint business cards, your cash register, your home office if you work from home – basically anything to do with your business can be anointed in order to draw success and profitability. It’s also an oil you could use in conjunction with ‘Money Come to Me’ or ‘Crown of Success’ to maximise your results.
My oils are crafted by empowering each ingredient as it is placed in the oil then the entire finished product is consecrated through words and then placed on my altar for several days. As they are bottled, I add botanicals and essential oils to further infuse and power the oil - a reflection of my practice as both witch and rootworker.
Before using on yourself please do a patch test to make sure you are not allergic to any of the herbs or oils in the finished product.
Not for internal use.
The oil will come with an information sheet on how to use intention/conjure oils.