Samhain Sabbat Kit
Samhain is just around the corner (April 30th), the Sabbat that celebrates the Celtic New Year, it is the time when the old God died and returned to the land of the Dead to await rebirth at Yule. This is a time to honour the Dead, by leaving them a meal, communing with them or lighting a candle to help guide them on their journey. It is a time for reflection, making new plans and beginning the Wheel again.
3 x 10cm ritual candles
1 x Wormwood herb
1 x Samhain incense
1 x 10ml Samhain oil
2 x Charcoal discs
1 x Wormwood leaflet
Samhain is just around the corner (April 30th), the Sabbat that celebrates the Celtic New Year, it is the time when the old God died and returned to the land of the Dead to await rebirth at Yule. This is a time to honour the Dead, by leaving them a meal, communing with them or lighting a candle to help guide them on their journey. It is a time for reflection, making new plans and beginning the Wheel again.
3 x 10cm ritual candles
1 x Wormwood herb
1 x Samhain incense
1 x 10ml Samhain oil
2 x Charcoal discs
1 x Wormwood leaflet